HomeAbroad Jobs30 Postdoctoral Positions at Lund University Sweden

30 Postdoctoral Positions at Lund University Sweden

30 Postdoctoral Positions at Lund University Sweden: Lund University is a public research university in Sweden and one of Northern Europe’s oldest universities. The university is located in the city of Lund in the Swedish province of Scania. It traces its roots back to 1425, when a Franciscan studium generale was founded in Lund.

TitleLast application date
Postdoctoral position in single-molecule characterization of artificial protein motors (PA2024/190) Solid State Physics, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 29 Jan 20244 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in Engineering Geology (PA2024/332) Teknisk Geologi, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 12 Feb 20244 Mar 2024
Post doctoral fellow in Physical geography and ecosystem science (PA2024/350) Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 2 Feb 20244 Mar 2024
PostDoc at HIPPIE beamline (3 years) (PA2024/477) Spectroscopy, MAX IVDate published: 20 Feb 20244 Mar 2024
Doctoral student in bioinformatics (PA2024/339) Protein Evolution, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 5 Feb 20245 Mar 2024
Doctoral student in Modelling of forest vulnerability to climatestress (PA2024/344) Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 2 Feb 20245 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in Pharmaceutical technology (PA2024/485) Division of Food and pharmaceuticals, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 20 Feb 20245 Mar 2024
Doctoral student in Book History (PA2024/28) Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, The Faculties of Humanities and TheologyDate published: 15 Jan 20247 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in Computational Fluid Dynamics for Hydrogen Engines (PA2024/230) Institutionen för energivetenskaper, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 5 Feb 20247 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in sustainable and smart manufacturing (PA2024/250) Institutionen för maskinvetenskaper, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 22 Jan 20247 Mar 2024
Activities coordinator at LINXS – temporary position (PA2024/317) unit computational chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 1 Feb 20247 Mar 2024
Postdoctor in System immunology (PA2024/539) Forskargrupp för systemimmunologi, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 22 Feb 20247 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in Droplet sizing and temperature of spray systems using advanced imaging techniques (PA2024/348) Combustion Physics, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 23 Feb 20248 Mar 2024
Post-doctoral fellow in machine learning, imaging and big data with focus on healthcare challenges (PA2024/385) Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 9 Feb 20248 Mar 2024
Project assistant within Alzheimer’s disease (PA2024/406) Division of Clinical Memory Research, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 15 Feb 20248 Mar 2024
Research engineer in machine learning (PA2024/492) Matematik LTH och numerisk analys, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 23 Feb 20248 Mar 2024
Post-doctoral fellow in modeling of of bioaerosols, layer-clouds and climate with AI (PA2024/120) Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 16 Jan 202410 Mar 2024
Doctoral student in Remote sensing of Ecosystem resilience (PA2024/337) Department of Physical Geograhy and Ecosystem Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 2 Feb 202410 Mar 2024
Floor Coordinator (part time 80%) (PA2024/496) Floor Coordinator Group, MAX IVDate published: 19 Feb 202410 Mar 2024
Floor Coordinator (part time 50%) (PA2024/497) Floor Coordinator Group, MAX IVDate published: 19 Feb 202410 Mar 2024
Teaching assistants as SI-leaders at the Service management master programme (PA2024/223) The Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Faculty of Social SciencesDate published: 19 Feb 202411 Mar 2024
Student worker and SI-leader at the Service management master programme (PA2024/227) The Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Faculty of Social SciencesDate published: 19 Feb 202411 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in automation for reflectometry at liquid surfaces (PA2024/419) unit Centre for Analysis and Synthesis (LTH), Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 13 Feb 202412 Mar 2024
Doctoral student in luminescence spectroscopy of perovskite semiconductors (PA2024/429) unit Chemical Physics (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 21 Feb 202413 Mar 2024
Researcher in Polymer Chemistry (PA2024/563) Unit Biotechnology (LTH), Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 28 Feb 202413 Mar 2024
Associate Senior Lecturer in Humanities specialising in Digital cultures or language/cognition/culture (PA2023/3818) The Faculties of Humanities and Theology, The Faculties of Humanities and TheologyDate published: 30 Nov 202315 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in Electrical Engineering towards Machine Learning for Internet of Things (IoT) (PA2024/116) Elektro- och informationsteknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 12 Jan 202415 Mar 2024
Assistant researcher organic chemistry (PA2024/328) Kemisk biologi, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 30 Jan 202415 Mar 2024
Doctoral student in Educational Sciences with a focus on Mathematics Didactics (PA2024/479) Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap, The Faculties of Humanities and TheologyDate published: 15 Feb 202415 Mar 2024
Post-doctoral fellow in Synchrotron X-ray based studies related to materials, processes and sensors for the metals and production industry (PA2024/66) syncrotron radiation physics, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 5 Feb 202417 Mar 2024
Research engineer/Head of Unit – SciLifeLab Display and Selection Technologies (PA2024/531) Institutionen för immunteknologi, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 25 Feb 202417 Mar 2024
Post doc pulmonary hypertension (PA2023/4044) Kärlväggsbiologi, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 18 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on synchrotron imaging of soft knee tissues (PA2024/141) Biomedicinsk teknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 15 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Post-doctoral fellow in Computational Chemistry (PA2024/175) unit computational chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 17 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral fellow in medical radiation physics: imaging prostate cancer microstructure by MRI and microscopy to enable novel diagnostic biomarkers, cofund AMBER (PA2024/176) Department of Clinical Sciences, division of Radiation Physics, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 18 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Post-doctoral fellow in Physical Chemistry (PA2024/181) unit Physical Chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 17 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Post Doc in Computational Chemistry (PA2024/198) unit computational chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 18 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral fellowship: The structural basis of transthyretin amyloidosis and significance for amyloid cardiomyopathy (PA2024/214) Molecular biophysics, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 18 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral fellowship: Understanding mRNA therapeutics: structural characterization using neutrons, X-rays and electron microscopy (PA2024/235) Molecular biophysics, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 22 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Post-doc in K-channel structural biology (PA2024/249) Membrane Protein Structural Biology, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 22 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Post-doc in TRP-channel structural biology (PA2024/256) Membrane Protein Structural Biology, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 22 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral fellow in medical radiation physics: X-ray fluorescence mapping of biological tissue, cofund AMBER (PA2024/257) Department of Clinical Sciences, division of Radiation Physics, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 25 Jan 202418 Mar 2024
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Physical Chemistry, with specialization towards soft colloids studied by scattering methods (PA2024/306) unit Physical Chemistry (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 20 Feb 202419 Mar 2024
Research engineer in spectroscopy (PA2024/405) Department of Biology, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 13 Feb 202419 Mar 2024
Postdoctoral position in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on power ultrasonics (PA2024/145) Biomedicinsk teknik, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 22 Jan 202422 Mar 2024
Post-doctoral fellow in environmental science and micropollutants (PA2024/552) Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, Faculty of ScienceDate published: 28 Feb 202427 Mar 2024
Doctoral student in Physics within the discipline of characterisation of artificial protein motors (PA2024/171) Solid State Physics, Faculty of Engineering, LTHDate published: 2 Feb 202429 Mar 2024
Two senior lecturer positions in nursing (PA2023/1280) Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 3 Oct 202331 Mar 2024
Senior lecturer in History of Ideas and Sciences (PA2023/2850) Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, The Faculties of Humanities and TheologyDate published: 15 Feb 20241 Apr 2024
Postdoctoral research fellow in bioinformatics, diabetes and epigenetics (PA2024/564) Division of Diabetes – Epigenetics, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 27 Feb 20243 Apr 2024
Professor i handelsrätt – nationell och internationell arbetsrätt (PA2024/277) Department of Business Law, Lund University School of Economics and ManagementDate published: 1 Mar 202415 Apr 2024
Associate Senior Lecturer in Molecular Biophysics (PA2024/281) unit Biochemistry and Structural Biology (Nfak), Faculty of ScienceDate published: 20 Feb 202416 Apr 2024
Postdoctoral research fellow in Urological cancer (PA2024/182) Division of Urological Cancer, Faculty of MedicineDate published: 27 Feb 202426 Apr 2024
Professor of Sociology – working life and organization (PA2023/3176) Avdelningen för sociologi, Faculty of Social SciencesDate published: 13 Oct 202330 Apr 2024
Doctoral Student in Statistics (PA2024/494) Department of Statistics, Lund University School of Economics and ManagementDate published: 27 Feb 202431 May 2024

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