HomeQuizUPSC QuizList of Five Year Plans of India

List of Five Year Plans of India

List of Five Year Plans of India

  • The Modi Govt has ended the five years plans formation. yet, Indian govt has announced 12 five-year plan of India since 1951. now, Modi govt plans to make way for a three-year action plan. In the Modi Cabinet, Niti Aayog takes place of Planning Commission.

1. First Five Year Plan –

  • Under the cabinet of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first 5-year plan was prepared for the period of 1951 to 1956. It included the Harrod-Domar model with fewer modifications.
  • The main purpose of it was to develop the agricultural sector in India. The First 5-year plan got successful and gained a growth rate of 3.6 per cent.

5 IITs were established in India at the end of this plan.

2. Second Five Year Plan –

  • It was prepared under the Jawaharlal Nehru Cabinet and was for the period of 1956 to 1961.
  • This plan included the P.C. Mahalanobis Model in 1953.
  • The main purpose of it was to develop the industrial sector in India.
  • This plan gained a growth rate of 4.27 per cent.
  • experts also criticized this plan because India suffered a payment crisis in 1957.

3. Third Five Year Plan –

  • The plan was made under Jawaharlal Nehru’s leadership for the period of 1961 to 1966.
  • This plan is known as ‘Gadgil Yojna’,
  • The main purpose of it was to make the country’s economy independent.
  • India faced two wars (1) the Sino-India war of 1962 and (2) the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965. the wars revealed weakness and focus changed to the country’s defence.
  • India gained a growth rate of 2.4 per cent which was too behind the target growth rate.
PlanLeadershipYearWhat Happened
4th Year planIndira Gandhi1969 -1974Stability and progressive achievement of self-reliance.
14 major Indian banks were made nationalized and introduced the Green Revolution
Plan gained a growth rate of 3.3 per cent
5th Year1974 -1978focus on Garibi Hatao, employment, justice, agricultural production and defence.
Minimum Needs Programme (MNP) and the Indian National Highway System


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