HomeNewsNationalNational Disaster Response Force Raising Day On 19th January

National Disaster Response Force Raising Day On 19th January

National Disaster Response Force Raising Day On 19th January

The day of 19th January 2021, is being observed as National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)’s Raising Day. This day was proclaimed on 19th January 2006.

National Disaster Response Force

  • NDRF is known as an Indian specialized force constituted and works under the Disaster Management Act, 2005.
  • In India, 12 NDRF battalions are placed in different locations across the country and more than 13,000 NDRF personnel are serving in NDRF Teams with the purpose of making a safer nation.

12 NDRF battalions consists of-

BattalionsHow manyLocation
Border Security Force (BSF)3Assam, Bihar, West Bengal
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)3Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Andhra Pradesh
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)2Odisha, Tamil Nadu
Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP)2UP, Punjab
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB)2Arunachal Pradesh, UP

Static GK –

Formed – 2006
Headquarters – New Delhi
Motto – Saving Lives & Beyond
Director General (DG) – SN Pradhan (IPS)


Q.1 When is National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)’s Raising Day observed?

The day of 19th January 2021, is being observed as National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)’s Raising Day.

Q.2 how many battalions NDRF consists?

NDRF consists of 12 battalions such as BSF (3), CRPF (3), CISF (2), SSB (2) and ITBP (2).

Q.3 When was National Disaster Response Force formed?

National Disaster Response Force was formed in 2006.

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