HomeGk QuizNobel Prize Related GK Questions, Nobel Prize GK Quiz

Nobel Prize Related GK Questions, Nobel Prize GK Quiz

Nobel Prize Related GK Questions, Nobel Prize GK Quiz – This Nobel Prize GK Quiz will test your knowledge of the Nobel Prize and its laureates. The quiz has been created to cover a range of topics, including the history of the prize.

The Nobel Prize is an international award and is presented by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. The award is based on the fortune of Alfred Nobel, a Swedish inventor and entrepreneur and is distributed every year to individuals and organizations for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace.

Nobel Prize GK Quiz 

This Nobel Prize GK Quiz aims to test your knowledge of the Nobel Prize and its laureates. It has covered various topics the history of the prize, its different categories, and some of the most notable winners.

Nobel Prize Related GK Questions, Nobel Prize GK Quiz:

Q1. Who won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics?
Ans – Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huillier

Q2. The Nobel Laureates in Physics were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 for —————-,
Ans – For developing technology for studying electron dynamics in matter using attosecond pulses of light

Q3. Who won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry?
Ans – Moungi G. Bawendi, Louis E. Brus and Alexei I. Ekimov

Q4. The Nobel Laureates in Chemistry awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2023 for ————–.
Ans – The synthesis and discovery of quantum dots

Q5. Who won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Literature?
Ans – Jon Fosse

Q6. Who won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences?
Ans – Emily Breza

Q7. The Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2023 for ————.
Ans – For her advancements in understanding women’s labour market outcomes

Q8. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2023?
Ans – Narges Mohammadi

Q9. Name of the laureate who has been only awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics twice?
Ans – John Bardeen

Q10. Who won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2023?
Ans – Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman

Q11. Name of the youngest Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry?
Ans – Frédéric Joliot

Q12. Name of the oldest Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry till date?
Ans – John B. Goodenough

Q13. Name of the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate?
Ans – Malala Yousafzai

Q14. How many Indians won the Nobel Peace Prize till date?
Ans – 9

Q15. What is the theme of the Nobel Prize Summit 2023?
Ans – Truth, Trust and Hope

Q16. Name of the country that won the most Nobel Prizes till date.
Ans – United States of America

Q17. When was the ‘Prize in Economic Sciences’ inducted into the Nobel Prizes?
Ans – 1968

Q18. Who won the first Nobel Prize?
Ans – Henri Dunant and Frederic Passy

Q19. The Nobel Prize was established by Alfred Nobel. In which year, Nobel Prizes were first presented?
Ans – 1901

Q20. What is the Nobel Prize amount for 2023?
Ans – Swedish kronor (SEK) 11.0 million per Nobel Prize

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