HomeGeneral AwarenessWhat is UNGA 2023: Know about its Composition and power

What is UNGA 2023: Know about its Composition and power

What is UNGA: Know about its Composition and power – UNGA is one of the six major agencies of the United Nations and the full form of UNGA is the United Nations, General Assembly. it aims to provide a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full spectrum of international issues covered by the charter of the United Nations.

  • Brazil country is the 1st member state to speak in the general debate of the assembly.
  • the United States of America (USA) is the 2nd member state to speak as host.

Composition of UNGA:

  • In 1945, Under the charter of the United Nations, The United Nations General Assembly was founded.
  • it acts as the chief deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations.
  • The UNGA has 193 members countries and each has one vote in the assembly.
  • The main purpose of the UNGA is to provide a unique platform for multilateral discussion of the whole range of international issues falling under the charter.

What are the Powers of UNGA:

  • It can offer recommendations to states on international problems under its jurisdiction.
  • Can use its power to initiate actions including political, economic, humanitarian, social and legal.

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